With the rising demand for quality early education, now is a fantastic time to get started with your own business in the industry! But in order to really succeed at it, you need a steadfast plan to help map out your path through your launch and beyond.
Here are 6 key elements of a business plan for a successful Early Learning facility:
1. Mission
Your mission is the Why behind the What. Why do you want to get into Early Learning? Who are you looking to help? How do you want your clientele to benefit, and how would you like to benefit personally? Answering these questions helps you establish what goals you’d like to set as you determine exactly what a successful business looks like to you!
2. Operations and Policies
All Early Learning institutions must adhere to local rules and regulations, which help protect both you as a business owner and the families that attend your facility. Beyond that, you also need to define and adhere to your own set of standard operations and policies to help your business run smoothly. This kind of planning ensures that everyone who interacts with your business, especially your team, knows what to expect in every scenario!
3. Financials
Owning and operating any business requires a significant amount of research around what kind of finances are needed for startup costs–a physical space, insurance, staff, marketing, etc. Within the Early Learning industry, though, you also have to consider the finances of tuition and payment, creating a revenue model that will ensure all your hard work pays off for both you and the families you cater to!
4. Marketing
Marketing is vital for attracting clientele, and it’s an incredibly effective way to boost your reputation amongst your community of attending families. So it’s incredibly important to have a solid strategy that helps build know, like, and trust–especially in a field that concerns children.
5. Team
Owning and operating an Early Learning facility takes a big team of staff and colleagues who are good at collaborating with each other as well as with the families of attending students. It’s important that everyone in the business is not only properly trained, but diverse enough to play to one another’s strengths so that you can most effectively support each other.
6. Outside Resources
On top of all the research you do for yourself, you’ll definitely want all the help and advice you can get from reliable resources who’ve done it before. Conducting informative interviews with prominent business owners is a great way to gain more knowledge.
A ton of planning and consideration goes into opening an Early Learning facility, and it can take a lot of time. There is a way to fast-track the process, though: franchising. Core Education & Fine Arts Early Learning (CEFA) is a well established and trusted brand with a proven business model; CEFA offers guidance to its Franchise Partners throughout the launch process and beyond with a functioning business plan, ongoing training, marketing, and operational support. If you’re passionate about helping foster future generations early on in their educational journeys, check out CEFA’s franchise opportunity!